Puppy Head Start:
Puppy Head Start is just what the name entails as a “Head Start” for your retriever puppy making future training so much easier and faster.
This program is for retriever puppies under 4 months old. Training can be for a week here and there, for a few months, or done with private lessons. Puppy head start is beneficial for ALL retrievers whether your goal with your retriever is a nice hunting dog or a AKC Master Hunter.

I work with every retriever puppy as if it is my own ensuring your retriever puppy will make an excellent gun dog and/or hunt test competitor as well as a great family pet. During their stay, your retriever puppy will be boarded and trained by me. We will work on puppy basics such as potty training, socializing, and crate training. We will introduce your retriever puppy to: Water, birds (pigeons for smaller retriever pups or ducks for bigger retriever puppies), and gun fire. Marking skills are taught, basic obedience training, and puppy handling. I also teach puppy hold and happy fetch, which is very helpful when it comes time to start Force Fetch with your pup! Puppies who go through my puppy head start often learn faster, and go further with their training. It’s well worth the extra training for your puppy!

The number of dogs in training at one time is limited ensuring your dog gets the time and training they deserve. To discuss availability and a training program for your new puppy:

If an owner is committed to retriever training on their own, but needs a little help from a professional dog trainer from time to time, retriever training lessons are the way to go. Retriever training lessons will be tailored to the individual retriever’s level at that point in time. The one-on-one attention an owner and retriever receive in these dog training lessons can include anything from introducing your new retriever puppy to birds and gun fire, to force fetching, to training your dog to handle and run blinds.

Retriever puppy private lessons are individually designed for each retriever puppy to encourage natural talent, ability, and confidence. A retriever puppy private lesson can be as simple as introducing your retriever to birds or more advanced; For example, teaching your retriever puppy to retrieve multiple marks.
For more advanced retrievers, dog training lessons will be tailored to the individual retriever’s level of training at that time. For example, lessons for running blinds can cover everything and anything from correctly teaching a T Drill, and/or Lining Drill to running a Mark/Blind Drill.

Lessons are one hour and can be scheduled randomly, or every week, whatever works for you and your retriever. After the lesson I will be available through email to answer any questions you might have. Also if you are getting private lessons you are welcome to join my training group. To schedule a private lesson, specifically designed just for your retriever or to learn more about the Rogue Retriever’s training program:
Retriever Private Lessons:
Let me start by saying, I am one of the only professional retriever trainers in the Pacific Northwest that offers private lessons. I believe if owners want to train their retriever on their own and not leave their dog in a kennel, that should be an option for them! I love working with people and their dogs, and seeing them excel together.

Hunting Dog Programs:
Basic gun dog training and boarding is for retrievers 6 months and older, and is a 3 month minimum commitment.
This Basic Program will get your retriever ready for hunting season, and could be the foundation for any future training. This program is centered around waterfowl hunting, though initial up-land hunting can and will be taught.

Your retriever will be taught to hold and be force fetched, ensuring a great retrieve and delivery to hand. Your retriever will be taught to mark on land and water, be introduced to gun fire, and birds. Depending on how quick your dog excels in this program, beginning handling will also be taught. Owners are strongly encouraged to participate in the training as much a possible! The more time you handle your retriever in person and at home during training, the better the long term outcome of your bird hunting dog.

Advanced Training is for someone that wants an EXCELLENT hunting partner, and/or wants to compete with their retriever in AKC or UKC Hunt Tests. This program is for dogs that have been through our basic gun dog program, or have been through force fetch. Advanced training is very involved. A lot of time and commitment is needed from both retriever and their owner to excel at this program. The time commitment for this program varies by what you want out of your retriever, it can be anywhere from 1 month to 6 months.

The main focus of this training program is to teach retrievers to handle a sequence of drills. When your retriever can successfully run a T-Drill (handling drill), initial blind training begins. Retrievers are taught sight blinds and memory blinds. Once your retriever can run an acceptable land blind, they are taught to run water blinds. These skills are again built upon by introducing marks to the blinds. While your dog is being trained to handle, your dog will also continue to train on field work. Multiple markings will be taught, doubles, and triples. Additionally, dogs will be water forced and shore broken. Owners are strongly encouraged to participate in the advanced retriever training as much as possible.

The number of dogs in training at one time is limited ensuring your retriever gets the time and training they deserve. To discuss availability and a training program for your new pup: